Wednesday, December 25, 2019

6 Tips for Acing a Phone Interview - FlexJobs

6 Tips for Acing a Phone bewerbungsgesprch - FlexJobs6 Tips for Acing a Phone Interview -120planned accordingly, so try practicing with a friend over the phone. For a phone interview, youll want to demonstrate your ability to interact well over the phone without body language or other social cues to go by. Here are 6 tips for acing your phone interview.6 Tips for Acing a Phone InterviewPick a quiet spot to have the interview, and remove any distractions. Turn off your computer, put away random objects on your desk, etc. The less stuff you have around you to draw your focus, the more focused youll be on the interviewer and crafting eloquent responses.Surround yourself with the necessities. The only things you need are a copy of your resume, a list of talking points and answers to common interview questions, a list of important info about the company and your interviewer, and a phone.Smile and use your voice to convey enthusiasm. Think about popular radio personalities, especially the morning show ones. Their voices convey every mood they are feeling, from excitement to anger to happiness to sleepiness. Some people need to stand up and pace, others use their hands, but whatever you need to do, make your personality shine through the phone. Smiling is an easy trick because it instantly conveys positivity over the phone.Dont be afraid of pauses or short silences, and speak slowly. Most people become fast talkers when theyre nervous, so its important to pace yourself, breath, and go slowly. Youve probably heard this tip for public speaking Speak much more slowly than you normally would. It may sound too slow to you, but because youre anxiety is speeding you up, its probably going to come out sounding normal on the other end.Try to relax. The more relaxed you are, the better the interview will go Be conversational, ask the interviewer if youve answered their question, and be prepared to ask them questions as well.Ask them about the next steps. At the end of the phone interview, you might be so excited to get off the phone that you forget to figure out what happens next. Ask the interviewer what their next steps are, and when you might hear from them. And, dont forget to ask if theres anything else you can send them. Thats the final step in acing a phone interview.Readers, what are you tips for acing a phone interview? Share them below

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